Chili Recipe Beans and Ground Beef

Beef and Bean Chili

This image may contain Food Dish Meal and Bowl

A fine version of a hearty archetype.


Makes half dozen servings

1 tablespoon olive oil

ii large cherry-red onions, chopped

5 tablespoons chopped jalapeño chilies with seeds

8 garlic cloves, chopped

2 ane/three pounds ground beef (15% fat)

1/4 cup chili powder

2 tablespoons basis cumin

ane teaspoon sweet paprika

1 28-ounce can diced tomatoes in juice

2 15 one/4-ounce cans kidney beans, drained

1 14-ounce can beef broth

Sour cream

Grated cheddar cheese

Chopped light-green onions

Chopped fresh cilantro

Step one

Heat oil in heavy large pot over medium-high heat. Add onions; sauté until dark-brown, about 6 minutes. Add jalapeños and garlic; sauté 1 minute. Add beef; sauté until brown, breaking upwardly with back of fork, well-nigh 5 minutes. Add chili pulverization, cumin, and paprika, and so mix in tomatoes with juices, beans, and broth; bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until chili thickens and flavors blend, stirring occasionally, most 45 minutes. Skim any fat from surface of chili. (Can be fabricated 2 days alee. Cool slightly. Refrigerate uncovered until common cold, so cover and keep refrigerated. Bring to simmer before standing, stirring occasionally.)

Step 2

Ladle chili into bowls. Serve, passing bowls of sour cream, grated cheese, light-green onions, and cilantro separately.

Diet Per Serving

Per serving: 551 calories

xxx one thousand fatty (11 g saturated)

118 mg cholesterol

812 mg sodium

31 m carbohydrates

9 g fiber

41 k poly peptide

#### Nutritional analysis provided by Nutrition Data

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  • it looks soooo good i volition try this when i can! :]

  • I dearest spicy but this is waaay too spicy. concluded up having to dilute with another can of tomatoes and broth.

  • I've been looking for a great chili and this is it. It has plenty of flavour, dissimilar the ones I've been trying the past couple years, and tin can exist modified based on what you desire. Some things I've changed: low sodium beans and tomatoes, don't drain the tomatoes, a can of tomato sauce for a soupier chili, added chipotle pepper spice for oestrus, used white black and kidneys for beans, used xanthous and red peppers, used one-half ground beef and one-half basis turkey. It really adapts nicely to changes based on what you take our the mood you're in!

  • Followed recommendations to increase seasoning. Added 2 TBP extra chili powder; 2 TSP extra cumin, 1-1/2TSP salt, and 1/2 tsp reddish pepper flakes. Used smoked paprika rather than sweet. Served over long-grain white rice with shredded anile sharp cheddar, chives, and sour cream. It was excellent chili.

  • This is a good, bones chili that can be dolled up to your ain taste, if you similar. As many have said, I practice call back the spices need to exist increased dramatically. And information technology has to be a error that there is no salt listed in the ingredients; that would also contribute to reviews that described it equally banal. I did call up it tasted a bit thin earlier I started the reduction, and then I added several tbs of tomato paste to give it some depth. I also added a LOT of tabasco virtually 20 minutes before it was done. I remember Tabasco'due south flavour goes actually well with chili, and adds a overnice layer of rut to the bodily vegetable.

  • This is a fantastic recipe, information technology'southward thick like I similar my chilli. I never need to add together any common salt. The spice alloy is just right. I have gastroparesis so since information technology'southward not heavy on the spices I can tolerate it. We do abound and can or ain whole tomatoes. Then I'm not certain if that's what makes the departure. The merely affair nosotros change is adding a blood-red/green pepper which ever nosotros have at the same fourth dimension as the jalapeno. We also let it summer most of the 24-hour interval. This is my go to chilli at this signal.

  • First-class chili IF y'all increase spices and salt by 50%. No need to tweak technique or ingredients (only easily done if desired). It is my get-to recipe; always a winner.

  • Made made this for Monday night football! Everyone loved it!!

  • I've been making this receipe for years and my family raves near it. I have fabricated some changes to add a Cuban bear on... Use one/two Red Beans & ane/2 Black Beans Double the chill spice packets Here'southward the magic... I serve it in a bowl, poured over a Jiffy Cornbread muffin stuffed and baked with a stick Guava paste...easily establish in Miami or in any Cuban/Hispanic market. #magic #guava

  • Marvelous recipe! We used lower sodium beans and diced tomatoes and information technology was slap-up. I could use more spicy pepper but it was a smashing repast!

  • What the others said: this didn't have even close to enough seasoning. I probably quadrupled the recommended amount of chili powder, paprika and cumin, and and then added table salt, onion powder, etc. on top of information technology. It turned out delish, but non thanks to the recipe.

  • This is a great basic recipe. I know a lycopersicon esculentum base isn't authentic but we like it. I as well use love apple paste at the stop for thickening, substitute stew meat, and melt in the crock pot, reserving the beans for the final hour or two. For all the one star reviews about tastelessness, don't any of you taste and adjust?

  • I fabricated it several times with minced turkey and one.5 cups dry out blood-red beans (I similar a bean heavy chilli). I besides add 2 tsp red wine vinegar at the end to the sauce. The spices are excellent!

  • This is a good basic recipe with lots of room to tweak. I fabricated information technology with black beans instead of kidney beans, the juice of ii limes, and added salt. I also put in 2 large jalapeños instead of measuring out tablespoons and added more cumin than the recipe chosen for. I was very happy with the results, although I retrieve I'll add together some Tabasco sauce next time I made it.

  • This was not good. Very bland and really needed salt added and more spices. It was very disappointing volition not be making once more.

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